Making lemonade out of the big lemon: cancer is all of that, and more. In case you are using your health issue as an opportunity to discover how to really nourish yourself and discover what's important for you, inside and out, you may be feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to begin. I'm listing just five suggestions here, pretty much all to do with nutrition. Each one is a great place to begin, so do any or all of them, depending on what you can manage ~ going into action is what counts!
1) The Vegan Kickstart Program begins Sept 6:
3) More research: PCRM has a dozen websites ( etc) so they're an amazing source of information on what to eat to support good health, whether you are dealing with cancer or any other disease. The important thing is to eat what can promote excellent health ~ very low-fat, high-fiber, free of dairy, fish, eggs and meat (low-fat vegan) ~ yes, you got it: starting today!1) The Vegan Kickstart Program begins Sept 6:
All-vegetarian (Physicians' Committee for Responsible Medicine ~ fabulous organization founded in 1985 with lots of resources put together by vegan & vegetarian nutritionists and MDs) sponsors the 21-Day Kickstart Program ~ an email-linked 21-day support program with online talks and daily support messages to help you get going with improving your health. It starts Sept 6 and you need to sign up for it. You even receive celebrity phone calls!
The Kickstart Program is "based on research by Neal Barnard, M.D., one of America’s leading health advocates, this program is designed for anyone who wants to explore and experience the health benefits of a vegan diet. Low-fat vegan—plant-based—diets are the easiest way to trim excess weight, prevent diabetes, cut cholesterol, lower blood pressure, prevent and reverse heart disease, and reduce cancer risk. They even trim our carbon footprint."2) Last night I saw that PCRM has just released a revised edition of their Cancer Survivor's Guide and accompanying DVD. Keep in mind that this is about good ways to nourish yourself; even if you don't have cancer, this is a great way to eat.
As part of the Cancer Project, Neil Barnard, founder of PCRM, has recently released a revised version of Eating Right for Cancer Survival, a 2-disc DVD with 9 nutrition presentations and 9 cooking lessons, which pairs with The Cancer Survivor's Guide, a book that helps you find out "how foods fight cancer and the advantages of a high-fiber, low-fat, dairy- and meat-free diet. Includes updates from the latest research, special prostate and breast cancer sections, tips for making the dietary transition, and more than 130 recipes." Here's the PCRM store for more info.
4) If you agree with the dietary suggestions in theory but find you continue to eat high-fat meals based on dairy, eggs, fish and meat, you may want to explore what is underlying that sabotaging approach. A series of Resonance Repatterning sessions might help you move towards the lifestyle you really want.
If we don't resonate with what we want, how are we going to get there? It's quick and easy to find out whether you resonate with your goals and intentions ~ I even do free 5-minute consults, so you can give me a call and find out your resonance in a few minutes. And then you know where you stand. You can take it from there, deciding how you're going to go about changing your resonance if you need to ~ through Resonance Repatterning or whatever other way you wish to handle it.5) Is your water pH balanced and "soft" enough to be absorbed through your cell walls, as water is in nature (waterfalls, fast-flowing rivers, rainfall)? I've been learning recently about "structured water" and I've seen the extraordinarily positive impact it has had on the health of someone who drinks it regularly. You can buy a hand-held water structuring device or install an under sink version for a very reasonable price. If you're interested, browse the FAQs, testimonials and product info at, a site I put together to get the word out to friends and clients about this amazing kind of water. You can also click on CNW in the list of key words in any post about structured water and it'll take you to a list of all the blogs on my experience with using structured water. (It's fabulous!)
Best wishes for attaining optimal health! Going into positive action in even a small way boosts your system. Everything counts!