Dave Hall explains on the DVD that cellercising
- opens and shuts the valve system of 75 trillion cells in your body, 100 times a minute, thoroughly cleaning out the cells and bringing them the oxygen they need
- keeps your lymph system clean and circulating well, protecting you against viruses and even cancer
- helps you lose wrinkles, double chins, flab, varicose veins... you name it!
- strengthens muscles, eyesight, improves circulation, boosts your immune system...
Where to get Dave's DVD: The Resonance Repatterning eStore offers the DVD and the Cellerciser at a good price, so you're welcome to check it out there. Chloe Wordsworth interviewed Dave Hall in one of her Living In Tune radio shows ~ really good, all of them! ~ which you can listen to in the RR radio archives.
Chloe's interview with Dave Hall (www.ResonanceRepatterning.net, Radio tab, select show #39 - or click here: http://www.resonancerepatterning.net/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=96&Itemid=87#radio).
AG ~ originally posted elsewhere online Dec 09
Anthea Guinness is a Certified Resonance Repatterning Practitioner (1993)