Here's my sister Lindis's recipe for high-energy high-protein balls ~
she came up with this for someone recouperating from hip replacement surgery, needing to rebuild bone, tissue, blood vessels... In other words, this isn't popcorn: it's an intense power food!
Dry ingredients: all measured in heaping teaspoons (tsp). Use organic ingredients only, for maximum nutritional value and energy.
6 tsp dried coconut
5 tsp flax seed
6 tsp sesame seeds
5 tsp chia seeds
6 tsp pumpkin seeds
5 tsp sunflower seeds
3 tsp hemp seeds
4 tsp carob powder (raw organic, not roasted)
Blend in a nut grinder (aka coffee grinder), then add:
4 tsp bee pollen (left whole)
4 tsp mesquite powder
Grind and add nuts (I don't actually know why these are listed separately from the seeds etc above ~ I'm just the messenger...):
6 walnuts
4 brazil nuts
Mix all dry ingredients well, then add:
3 tsp honey
3 tsp almond nut butter
With a fork keep mixing up all the ingredients, breaking up the clumps until everything is pretty even and ready to turn into balls. The mixture is too dry to roll into a ball in your hands ~ pick up a small amount and keep squeezing it together until you have a round ball. The balls turn out smooth, slightly damp, not sticky. If you want them wetter & sticky, add more honey and a tad of water.
Thanks, Lindis! Power-packed and delicious!